New 2D body measuring system repair frame machine car chassis tram gauge body collision measuring system measurement.
2D body measuring system repair frame machine car chassis tram gauge body collision measuring system measuring tools y
Measuring ruler area/parameters X coordinate: 200-2250 (mm) Y coordinate: 200-150 ~ 340 (mm) Z coordinate: 200-150 ~ 340 (mm) Measuring error |: < 1mm Product size: 1000*180*120(mm) Product net weight: 3.5kg
Safety precautions 1. Before using the high-precision two-dimensional measuring ruler. Please read the instruction manual carefully to make sure you can use the measuring ruler correctly. 2. This product is made of aluminum alloy. Please handle it carefully when using it. Gravity contact pressure is strictly prohibited. 3. Do not touch the measuring ruler to avoid fire, paint, rubber water, asphalt and other corrosive substances. If you accidentally touch the liquid such as paint, rinse immediately with clean water and wipe the measuring ruler clean. 4. When using the magnet probe of this product, tilt and pull off the measuring part, do not pull it out vertically to avoid injury.